Monday, April 28, 2014

What is this all about?

Hey there, I created this blog to document my adventures and attempts at projects that were inspired from pins I found on Pinterest.  I am interested in all kinds of crafts, cooking, and decorating.  I will warn you that I have no prior experience in any of these fields, other than the vast amount of internet research I do until I feel confident that I can accomplish said project and everyday life experience.  I am not a craftswoman, I am not decorator, and by no means am I a chef (although my husband has no complaints).  I, like most other Pinterest users primarily get inspired by the pins we find and then do nothing with them.  This year I am going to attempt as many pins as possible.  I have no plan or agenda on how and when these projects will be completed.  I am just going to start and see what happens.  Please feel free to share your ideas and ask questions if I am not clear on things.

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